Vertex Scripts

Tebex Wrapper

In-game store where players can purchase products with coins


This assumes you already have a tebex store online, if not you can create one and if you need help make sure to ask us! Tutorial to setup your tebex store:

  1. Download the latest release of vx_lib here and add it to your server.
  2. Download the latest version of our tebex wrapper from keymaster and add it to your server.
  3. Setup the config, the only things that is required is: Config.tebexSecret and Config.packages.
  4. Create a package, scroll all the way down and click on "Game Server Commands" and add vx_tebexwrapper:processPayment {transaction}.
  5. Start vx_lib and vx_tebexwrapper in your server.cfg and you're good to go!

Adding new categories

All the products are organized in categories in the data folder. You need to create a new file for each category, for example data/items.lua and add the following:

return {
		name = "phone",
		label = "Phone",
		description = "Iphone 13+",
		price = 1,
		image = "iphone.jpg",
		metadata = {
			item = "phone",
  -- ... more products

Then you need to register this category in data/categories.lua and add the following:

local carProducts = require ""
local itemProducts = require "data.items"
---@type Category[]
return {
		label = "🚗 Cars",
		name = "Cars",
		description = "...",
		type = "vehicle",
		products = carProducts,
		label = "💼 Items",
		name = "Items",
		description = "...",
		type = "item",
		products = itemProducts,

Adding product handlers

We have already implemented some basic products such as: money, item, vehicle, weapon and more, but you can also create your own! We created a handler system, so for each product type you can create a handler which will handle the purchase of the product.

To create a handler you need to go to customize/handlers.lua, and add a new handler. For example:

handlers.registerProductHandler("item", function(source, product)
	local item = product.metadata.item
	local count = product.metadata.count or 1
	vx.inventory.addItem(source, item, count)

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